My Boys!
This is what I found as I came upstairs to go to bed about 1.5 hours after Cam was tucked into his OWN bed!
This is what I found as I came upstairs to go to bed about 1.5 hours after Cam was tucked into his OWN bed!
Of course Bryce thinks he is such big boy but is still not ready to give up the stinkin' crib OR the binky at nap time or bed time (one in his mouth and one in each hand while he sleeps). But, I'm not complaining because I'm not really ready for my "baby" to be a big boy yet.
Typical Saturday Morning!
The boys are best buddies, but different as night and day. Here's what a typical Saturday morning for the both of them looks like.
Cam LOVES his screen time! Saturday morning cartoons are a big deal. He's also VERY proficient at the computer and his able to turn it on and off, maneuver his way in and out of his favorite games, and has higher scores on most of them than either of his parents. (and yes, that is Camden sitting on the kitchen counter! His favorite perch for Saturday morning cartoons.)
The boys are best buddies, but different as night and day. Here's what a typical Saturday morning for the both of them looks like.
Cam LOVES his screen time! Saturday morning cartoons are a big deal. He's also VERY proficient at the computer and his able to turn it on and off, maneuver his way in and out of his favorite games, and has higher scores on most of them than either of his parents. (and yes, that is Camden sitting on the kitchen counter! His favorite perch for Saturday morning cartoons.)
Now, here's Bryce-E who BEGS to go outside even during a snowstorm or pouring rain. He's a daddy's boy and will stay out for hours helping Aaron mow, rake, paint, takeout the trash, and of course putt-putting in the backyard! In fact, you couldn't pay Bryce to sit in front of the TV for more than 10 minutes at a time.
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