My new blog layout!
I started this blog quite a while ago when Cam was about 6 months old. At that time I wrote it from his perspective while mainly just displaying pictures of our family adventures. Well, when Bryce was born I had a hard time getting motivated to keep blogging. Mainly because I WAS BUSY, VERY, VERY, BUSY being a full-time wife and mother as well as working as a school based speech language pathologist! I also had a hard time being inspired to write from both of my boys perspectives. So, I kind of gave it up for several months. I missed doing it and I knew my friends and family liked reading up on my family via the web. So, I decided this was MY blog, so I was going to revamp it and write from my perspectives not only about our family adventures but about whatever inspired me at the time. Usually that's my family, but I write a lot about our adoption process as time goes on. Changing the blog layout really inspired me to keep writing too. Before I always tried to keep a very neutral layout since 3/4 of my family is boys. But, I'M A GIRL! I love being a girl and I can't wait until some day our family is 2/5 girl and only 3/5 boy! My life lacks "girly" things. We have lots of trucks, trains, sporting equipment, etc. etc. etc. around our house. But, not many things pink or purple (except the baby doll Bryce-E loves so much) So, when I saw this spring owl blog template I knew I had to make the switch to something a little more "girl"! I hope you like it! I may be changing it again every so often just to keep myself inspired to continue blogging! OH, one more thing! Most of you know I am a Christian and I am very proud of that. So, I'm going to try my hardest to start including at least one bible verse that may (or may not) pertain to each post I make.
~~Be joyful & glad of heart for the good that the Lord has done.
2 Chronicles 7:10
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