Saturday, March 12, 2011

Travel mercies and brotherly love!

I know many of you were praying for travel mercy for us and boy did we get it! I was so nervous for the journey home, but Emmy traveled like a champ.  I really feel like the good Lord had a hand in our travel.  Emmy slept on every leg of the trip for about an hour, and then for at least 5 hours on the big leg.  She was easily entertained by snacks, little games, and toys.  She even sat and watched "Tangled" on the big leg.  The seating arrangements were wonderful where we almost always either had an empty seat next to us, or we were put in a row with only two seats.  Every person next to us was easily enamored by Emmy and they all understood traveling with a toddler. We easily navigated through all the airports and even immigration at LAX wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Amazingly every time we needed to catch a shuttle we stepped out the door and it was already there waiting for us.  I was thinking she was going to HATE the car seat (which are unheard of in China) and being strapped in for 4 hours from Denver to home would be horrible.  But, she actually tolerated it fairly well!   Hallelujah, God is GOOD!

The boys are completely enamored with their little sister, especially Cam.  Poor Bryce was up sick all night the night before and still wasn't feeling up to par.  So, he met his little sister wearing his pajamas.  Cam and Emmy played all night and Bryce had fun watching.  I'm kind of wondering when this honeymoon is going to end, but I'm going to enjoy it A LOT while it lasts!  It's good to be home and it's good to finally have our family complete!  Hugs to you all!

Cam could hardly believe she was actually HERE.  He was giddy with joy and kept talking about how cute she is and how much he loves her, even when she's naughty (his words :0).
Checking out the presents from China.
Sharing some American germs, but I there was no way I was stopping him from kissing his little sister!
I think he was proud to show off his favorite jammies to his new little sister.
Dancing the night away to Cam-O's favorite Wiggles CD.  These two are going to be a pair to be reckoned with I'm sure of it.


Dax, Ian, and Jude said...

Just awesome!!!!!! :) ~Becca