Hi All,
So, I've REALLY been feeling guilty about how little I have been blogging lately. In the past this blog has mainly been dedicated as a photo diary of the boys. Well, now that we actually have 3 little Wade's to write about I've decided to kind of revamp this blog into more of a journal. This whole adoption process is really just that . . . a process . . . a HUGE process. I want to be able to look back on this and remember it. One of the gals I've "met" through our adoption agency compares the paper chase of adoption to infertility treatments. Which, fortunately, is not something I've had to endure. But, I know what she's talking about. It's not something that is particularly fun, but you know the end result will be fabulous. I'm so lucky I'm home with the boys for the Summer. So, I've made a pact with myself that I will do at least one thing every day that needs to get done in order to send our dossier to China. I want to start just by explaining how this all works. We are doing what is called the "paper chase" portion. That is quite literally what we are doing. Chasing people and information around to get the right forms and letters done to fulfill one part of the dossier or another. The dossier is comprised of 13 different documents that all have to be notarized, certified, and authenticated through the state of Nebraska and the Chinese consulate in Washington D.C. One of these documents is called a "home study" which is done by a certified social worker. That is mainly what we're focusing on now because it's probably the most important piece. The social worker we're using is out of McCook, NE. She is the co-owner of Adoption Consultants, Inc. We chose her because I know of somebody else here that has used her for 6 adoptions of her own. Anyway, we have to have a total of 4 visits with our social worker. We are also providing her with enough information about ourselves that she should be able to tell anybody off the streets what shoe size we all wear AND whether we prefer white or wheat bread! Not to mention if we are suitable parents or not. We are actually meeting with her for the first time next week. Aaron and I are going to travel to McCook to meet her at her office. We are going to kill two birds with one stone and visit our good friends Dave and Amy while we're there. So, it's getting late and I should be getting some sleep, but first I want to document what we've done this last week so far:
Monday: 1) Sent a whole bunch of permission forms to Nancy (our social worker) in order for her to begin doing background checks on us. 2) ran to the local police station to drop off a consent form for them to send a local police report to her. 3) ordered birth certificates and marriage licenses from Vital Statistics (they wont accept hospital issued birth certificates). This was a good day!
Tuesday: 1) Had an awesome play-date with some buddies! 2) found our notary public. She happens to be the mom of two of my good friends. So, I feel really good about that. 3) Scheduled an appointment for Friday afternoon to get fingerprinted for our FBI background check.
Wednesday: Thank goodness for Marla. She watched the boys that day and I got a lot of stuff done. 1) Prepared and mailed out some information for our references. 2) Talked to our dossier consultant out of Great Wall China Adoption (GWCA) and got a lot of questions answered. 3) Prepared the information for our employers to write our employment verification letters. (I also got our storage room organized after getting rid of a TON of stuff at a garage sale last weekend)
Thursday: 1) Went to talk to the HR people at my place of employment. The superintendent's secretary happens to have friends that adopted from China, so I added their name and phone numbers to my growing list of "support" personnel!!! 2)The boys and I were right next door, so we hit the library too.
Friday: 1) Aaron and I took the boys to Scottsbluff to get our fingerprints taken at the local state patrol station. 2) stopped by the Lincoln Star Herald to give their HR person the information she needs to write Aaron's employment letter 3) had supper at Chile's (yum-yum)!
OK, I'm probably the only person that finds any of this stuff interesting because it actually makes me feel like I'm getting something accomplished. But, I'm out!
So, I've REALLY been feeling guilty about how little I have been blogging lately. In the past this blog has mainly been dedicated as a photo diary of the boys. Well, now that we actually have 3 little Wade's to write about I've decided to kind of revamp this blog into more of a journal. This whole adoption process is really just that . . . a process . . . a HUGE process. I want to be able to look back on this and remember it. One of the gals I've "met" through our adoption agency compares the paper chase of adoption to infertility treatments. Which, fortunately, is not something I've had to endure. But, I know what she's talking about. It's not something that is particularly fun, but you know the end result will be fabulous. I'm so lucky I'm home with the boys for the Summer. So, I've made a pact with myself that I will do at least one thing every day that needs to get done in order to send our dossier to China. I want to start just by explaining how this all works. We are doing what is called the "paper chase" portion. That is quite literally what we are doing. Chasing people and information around to get the right forms and letters done to fulfill one part of the dossier or another. The dossier is comprised of 13 different documents that all have to be notarized, certified, and authenticated through the state of Nebraska and the Chinese consulate in Washington D.C. One of these documents is called a "home study" which is done by a certified social worker. That is mainly what we're focusing on now because it's probably the most important piece. The social worker we're using is out of McCook, NE. She is the co-owner of Adoption Consultants, Inc. We chose her because I know of somebody else here that has used her for 6 adoptions of her own. Anyway, we have to have a total of 4 visits with our social worker. We are also providing her with enough information about ourselves that she should be able to tell anybody off the streets what shoe size we all wear AND whether we prefer white or wheat bread! Not to mention if we are suitable parents or not. We are actually meeting with her for the first time next week. Aaron and I are going to travel to McCook to meet her at her office. We are going to kill two birds with one stone and visit our good friends Dave and Amy while we're there. So, it's getting late and I should be getting some sleep, but first I want to document what we've done this last week so far:
Monday: 1) Sent a whole bunch of permission forms to Nancy (our social worker) in order for her to begin doing background checks on us. 2) ran to the local police station to drop off a consent form for them to send a local police report to her. 3) ordered birth certificates and marriage licenses from Vital Statistics (they wont accept hospital issued birth certificates). This was a good day!
Tuesday: 1) Had an awesome play-date with some buddies! 2) found our notary public. She happens to be the mom of two of my good friends. So, I feel really good about that. 3) Scheduled an appointment for Friday afternoon to get fingerprinted for our FBI background check.
Wednesday: Thank goodness for Marla. She watched the boys that day and I got a lot of stuff done. 1) Prepared and mailed out some information for our references. 2) Talked to our dossier consultant out of Great Wall China Adoption (GWCA) and got a lot of questions answered. 3) Prepared the information for our employers to write our employment verification letters. (I also got our storage room organized after getting rid of a TON of stuff at a garage sale last weekend)
Thursday: 1) Went to talk to the HR people at my place of employment. The superintendent's secretary happens to have friends that adopted from China, so I added their name and phone numbers to my growing list of "support" personnel!!! 2)The boys and I were right next door, so we hit the library too.
Friday: 1) Aaron and I took the boys to Scottsbluff to get our fingerprints taken at the local state patrol station. 2) stopped by the Lincoln Star Herald to give their HR person the information she needs to write Aaron's employment letter 3) had supper at Chile's (yum-yum)!
OK, I'm probably the only person that finds any of this stuff interesting because it actually makes me feel like I'm getting something accomplished. But, I'm out!
I'm very excited to read about this process and will be cheering for you every step of the way!
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