Well, it's been a good week. Things are really coming together. Last week I had ordered our birth certificates and marriage license. They say it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to receive them. I actually got them less than a week later! So, we were able to apply for our passports! This, however, will take 4-6 weeks! So, some paperwork may get held up waiting for them. But, I'm really excited because tomorrow we're heading to McCook to meet with our social worker. We will see her twice in this visit. I'm hoping we can set up a time for her to come visit us. I've gotten most of the paperwork she needs in. So, I'm really hoping the home study is done, or close to being done, by the time our passports come in. We have our health physicals in a few weeks. Things are really shaping up! On another note, Cam started gymnastics this week and LOVES it. (Much to his father's dismay!) It just reaffirms to me that he is ready to start preschool next year. He acts so mature and excited to learn. I would say he's probably one of the leaders in the class. But, I MAY be biased! I'm hoping to post some gymnastics pictures next week . . . as long as I can remember the camera! Bryce had his 18 months check up this week. He's very healthy. I really think the allergy medicated he's started is helping. He doesn't have a constant drippy nose and I think we've gone the longest we've ever gone without an ear infection!!!!
It was great seeing you guys this weekend. Made me wish you lived a lot closer! Glad to hear that you did a Turbo Jam workout. What did you think? Did the boys cooperate while you did it?
I will definitely be checking your blog often to see the progress you are making. Just think, each day gets you closer to your precious little girl! It will be sooo worth it in the end!
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