My dear and talented hubby was commissioned about a year ago to paint a mural in the library in Hemingford. The money was granted to the library through a man who had a love for Hemingford and it's history. So, Aaron had his work cut out for him. He put in literally hundreds of hours on this mural consisting of researching history and pictures of Hemingford and then painting on his days off and after work. The finished product was amazing. So, last Saturday was the dedication ceremony. It was a pretty big deal with lots of people from the community in attendance. Senator LeRoy Louden was another guest of honor and assisted Aaron in the official "unveiling" of the mural.
Much to Hemingford citizens dismay, over a hundred years ago the courthouse was actually moved by train from Hemingford to Alliance, where it is today.
Hemingford's Avenue of Flags: a wonderful patriotic tribute to our veterans.
The donor of the money was a farmer in the area. Of course agriculture is a staple to our community.
Aaron wouldn't dream of not putting his love of sports in this mural. Baseball has always been a big part of Hemingford's history.
Here's the family. After the hours Aaron put into this project and away from me and the boys we feel like the mural is part of the family too! But, we are so proud that Aaron's talent and hard work will be displayed for a very long time in the Hemingford community.
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